How to Tell If You Need Band Saw Blade Sharpening Services

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At Farris Belt & Saw Company, we want to help you keep your saw blades in excellent condition. We understand how much you rely on your saws to keep your operation running smoothly, and we offer a wide range of services to help you keep your equipment in great shape.

How to Tell If You Need Band Saw Blade Sharpening Services

In this article, we’ll go over a few ways to tell when it’s time to schedule band saw blade sharpening services.

  • Chipping Material – When you cut material with your band saw, the cuts should be smooth and even. If material starts to chip as you run it through your band saw, then you probably need band saw blade sharpening services.
  • Burn Marks – Another sign it’s time to schedule an appointment for band saw blade sharpening is the appearance of burn marks on your material. A dull blade has to work harder to cut through the material, which creates more friction and heat—so much heat that the material can get burned. If you notice burn marks on the material, we encourage you to get your blade sharpened as soon as possible.
  • Excessive Noise – A third way you can tell if it’s time to schedule band saw blade sharpening is to pay attention to the noise your saw makes. Although you should always wear hearing protection when operating power tools, you will still be able to hear some noise coming through. If the saw starts to sound louder than usual, it means the machine is having to work harder to do the same job, and the most common cause for this extra effort is a dull blade.